Self-description |
Normal mode |
Reversed mode |
Acquisitive, Affable, Affectionate, Analytical, Audacious, Benevolent, Benign, Bold, Careful, Cogitative, Cognitive, Coherent, Commanding, Communicative, Conceptual, Conclusive, Concrete, Consistent, Constant, Creditworthy, Daydreamer, Deductive, Definitive, Dependable, Determinative, Dialectical, Discoverer, Discriminate, Do-not-disturb, Dutiful, Exact, Fanciful, Fictive, Fixed, Frank, Heedful, Hesitating, Humanitarian, Ideational, Illative, Indrawn, Inductive, Inferential, Intellectual, Introvert, Inventive, Inward, Kind-hearted, Leader, Logically-minded, Loving, Merciful, Methodical, Meticulous, Non-rigid, Open-ended, Orderly, Planner, Practical, Precise, Principled, Private, Quiet, Ratiocinative, Rational, Reasoner, Regular, Reliable, Reserved, Resolute, Responsible, Reticent, Romantic, Sci-tech, Scientific, Self-assertive, Self-important, Sociable, Soft-hearted, Stable, Steady, Sympathetic, Systematic, Technically-minded, Tender-hearted, Thoughtful, Unambiguous, Unapproachable, Unchanging, Unimpassioned, Unsentimental, Unwavering, Visionary [93]. | NOT Adoring, NOT Aloof, NOT Ambiguous, NOT Avaricious, NOT Boastful, NOT Capricious, NOT Carefree, NOT Careless, NOT Casual, NOT Changing, NOT Closemouthed, NOT Cocky, NOT Cold, NOT Conformist, NOT Covetous, NOT Decisive, NOT Desirous, NOT Detached, NOT Doubtless, NOT Down-to-earth, NOT Ebullient, NOT Ecstatic, NOT Effervescent, NOT Effusive, NOT Extrovert, NOT Exuberant, NOT Fanciless, NOT Fantasist, NOT Fickle, NOT Flexible, NOT Freewheeling, NOT Frigid, NOT Gluttonous, NOT Grabby, NOT Grasping, NOT Gushy, NOT Hard-hearted, NOT Harum-scarum, NOT Hateful, NOT Heedless, NOT Helter-skelter, NOT High-spirited, NOT Homebody, NOT Impassioned, NOT Impassive, NOT Impractical, NOT Incogitative, NOT Incoherent, NOT Inconsistent, NOT Inconstant, NOT Incorrigible, NOT Indiscriminate, NOT Inimical, NOT Insatiable, NOT Irrational, NOT Irresponsible, NOT Limber, NOT Loner, NOT Loud, NOT Lovey-dovey, NOT Lukewarm, NOT Lyrical, NOT Materialistic, NOT Maudlin, NOT Mawkish, NOT Meandering, NOT Melodramatic, NOT Merciless, NOT Mushy, NOT Never-the-same, NOT Noisy, NOT Non-concrete, NOT Notional, NOT Occasional, NOT Orderless, NOT Outspoken, NOT Over-confident, NOT Over-imaginative, NOT Over-realistic, NOT Passionate, NOT Pell-mell, NOT Physical, NOT Popular, NOT Prehensile, NOT Recluse, NOT Rigid, NOT Scatter-brained, NOT Schmaltzy, NOT Secluded, NOT Shameless, NOT Shy, NOT Spaced-out, NOT Speculative, NOT Spontaneous, NOT Stolid, NOT Subdued, NOT Swerving, NOT Taciturn, NOT Talkative, NOT Theoretical, NOT Thoughtless, NOT Timid, NOT Uncertain, NOT Uncommunicative, NOT Uncongenial, NOT Undependable, NOT Undeviating, NOT Unemotional, NOT Unenthusiastic, NOT Ungregarious, NOT Unhesitating, NOT Uniform, NOT Unreliable, NOT Unreserved, NOT Unromantic, NOT Unsettled, NOT Unsociable, NOT Unsympathetic, NOT Unsystematic, NOT Vague, NOT Variable, NOT Wandering, NOT Wavering, NOT Whimsical, NOT Wishful-thinker, NOT Woolgatherer [126]. |
The recommended number of selections for each mode is 60-90. |
E/I choice (E - Extraversion, I - Introversion, x - Undefined) |
Normal mode |
Reversed mode |
Combined mode |
I | I | I |
S/N choice (S - Sensation, N - Intuition, x - Undefined) |
Normal mode |
Reversed mode |
Combined mode |
N | N | N |
F/T choice (F - Feeling, T - Thinking, x - Undefined) |
Normal mode |
Reversed mode |
Combined mode |
T | T | T |
J/P choice (J - Judgement, P - Perception, x - Undefined) |
Normal mode |
Reversed mode |
Combined mode |
conscious | unconscious | conscious | unconscious | conscious | unconscious |
J | J | J | J | J | J |
Scoring factor |
Normal mode |
Reversed mode |
Combined mode |
0.66 | 0.63 | 0.65 |
The Scoring factor shows how much you are aware of your type and/or the testing procedure. Anything close to and above 0.8 is considered high and could interfere with authenticity of the test outcome. |
Summary |
Normal mode |
Reversed mode |
Combined mode |
This summarises your type as: INTJ a.k.a. Logical-Intuitive Intratim "The Analyst". Assuming you have fully understood and were following the suggested guidelines to operate the test, this result may indeed indicate your type. However, it is your own responsibility to verify the accuracy of this result. |
Extended summary |
By preference |
By function |
MBTIŽ Type Dynamics |
□▲ |
Ti,Ne,Si,Fe |
If your type is INTJ a.k.a. Logical-Intuitive Intratim "The Analyst", you are confident and concrete regarding your understanding of how things work, creative and inventive regarding your ability to recognise common tendencies and possibilities, delicate and insecure regarding the necessities and sensations of your body, and you wish to have a clear perception and consistency regarding how excited others are about you. |